
The Importance Of Self-Care

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I’m realizing more and more lately just how important self-care is.  Not just physically, but mentally/emotionally, as well.  Life is complicated, and full of shit (good AND bad) that can leave you feeling just plain burnt out.  The lifestyle of many a millennial today, myself included, focuses so much on having it all.  We want it all – the “picture perfect” lifestyle that you see splattered all across social media (even though, spoiler alert – it doesn’t exist).

Trying to have it all is exhausting.  Heck, just life alone is exhausting.  And in our pursuit to achieve it all (and then some), we put ourselves under so much stress, and forget to take care of ourselves.  I’m guilty of this all the time, especially lately.  I am known to constantly burn myself out by taking too much on, not being organized, bottling up things, etc.  Which is why I’m learning to practice more self-care, and why you should as well.

It’s no secret that not taking care of yourself has a massive impact on your health (duh).  Stress rears it’s ugly head in a plethora of ways – breakouts, weight gain or loss, migraines and more.  Though often ignored, the impact on our mental health is just as important.  Some effects include anxiety, restlessness, depression, withdrawal, etc.

Practicing self-care doesn’t just have to be things like taking huge amounts of time off work, jetting off to a deserted island, etc.  It can be in little things done daily.  Here are some things you can do to practice a bit of self-care.

Practice yoga.
Write in a journal.  Just dump everything that’s in your brain onto paper (or a blog lol).  I highly recommend bullet journaling!
Create a mindfulness space to retreat to when you need some quiet time.
TALK to someone – bottling emotions up is the worst thing you can do.  Just vent to someone and you’ll feel loads better.
Draw yourself a bath, grab a glass of wine and ignore everything.
Speaking of ignoring everything, take time off from social media.  Take this even further by having a tech-free day.
Treat yo self to something you’ve had your eye on.
Exercise – go for a walk, lift some weights, etc.
Go out with your friends.
Get lost in a good book.
Watch your favorite movie.  If it’s a tear-jerker, go ahead and have a cry.  No one will judge you.
Have an at-home spa day – light some candles, put on a face mask, paint your nails, etc.  Or, ya know, just go to an actual spa.
Listen to music.
Make your favorite meal (or order your favorite take away).
Spend some time outside.
Sleep in (even if it’s only for an extra half hour or so!).
Cut out all things (or people) that are toxic in your life.
Give yourself a break.  You’re only one person, and you can do so much at a time.  If you don’t achieve everything on your to-do list, don’t beat yourself up.  Tomorrow’s another day.

It doesn’t take much to take care of yourself – remember that!  Share some of your favorite self-care tips in the comments!

xx Lauren


  • Great post! Self care is one of the most important yet neglected part of our daily lives. My favorite self care activity is to keep the phone away and pick out some pencils and my coloring book and have a great time, sitting by the window and sipping tea.

    • That is such a great way to relax! I could literally sit there for hours coloring – love the fact that there are “adult” coloring books now lol!

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