
Confessions Of An Amateur Blogger

I started this little blog roughly 8 months ago, having just returned from my honeymoon.  I thought that it was the perfect time to do so, because I was working from home and would have SO MUCH TIME TO DO ALL THE BLOGGING THINGS and would become so successful, having amazing content coming out the wazoo.  Let’s be realistic though – I’m not remotely CLOSE to that and my numbers dip so low sometimes that I wonder if it’s possible for them to hit the negatives. Not to get discouraged, I remind myself daily that this is a work in progress, and that I still don’t exactly know what the fuck I’m doing.  

Basically, I’m just winging it.

There is still so much that I’m learning.  So much so, that I decided to put together a little “confessional” for ya.

I still don’t fully understand what cookies are.

Yes, yes I understand that they store data, but that’s the extent of it.  Ever since GDPR rolled in a few months ago, I’ve tried (sort of) to have a better understanding of the “techy” parts of blogging.  Most of the information still goes over my head.

I suck at scheduling.

Everywhere I go in the blogging world, I see everything talking about how scheduling has helped them massively in promoting their content and gaining traffic.  I tried out a million schedulers (the free versions obviously), thinking it would help me become slightly more organized in getting my content out there. I even bit the bullet and signed up for Buffer Pro recently – which I highly recommend if you can remember to actually USE it.  I’ll schedule a post here and there on various social media platforms, but then completely forget to once my queue empties. I also have no idea what schedule – will it look “spammy” if EVERYTHING I post is my own content, every few hours? Someone please, tell me the proper scheduling etiquette.

I hate showing my face on my own website.

I wrote this post a few months ago about how I questioned whether my blog would be successful if I don’t start including pictures of myself on here.  I said I was going to make more of an effort to try and overcome this silly fear, and I still have yet to do so. I literally cringe every time I think of having my photo taken, and have become so massively insecure.  All of the successful lifestyle bloggers that I absolutely adore and follow do this and it works for them – the reason that I follow them (besides the fact that they’re just awesome) is because they allow for personal touches like these, making it easy to relate to them/feel like you know them.

I’m a bit cheap.

We all know blogging can be very expensive.  Between hosting, various softwares, buying props for photos, promotions, fancy cameras, hiring a photographer, etc. the costs add up very quickly.  Being such a newbie, I find it very hard to justify spending a lot of money that I don’t have at the moment. I really hope this doesn’t make me come off too cheap, or like I’m not willing to invest in this, because I totally am.  It’s just a matter of priority, and not believing that you NEED to spend a massive amount all the time in order to produce great content.

I don’t promote my blog to people that I actually know.

Aside from listing my website on my Instagram and Twitter (give a follow if you like what you see), I don’t actually tell anyone that I’m a blogger.  Of course, some of my family and friends have reached out and are super supportive, but I still don’t promote myself to people I’m close to. I realize that I’m probably missing out on some great (free) promotion, but I’m worried that a lot of people will judge/criticize what I write.  I’m already so critical of myself, so it make me very paranoid to know that others will be too. It’s easier knowing that strangers might be, but the people I know? Yikes.

I suck at following up on guest post opportunities.

I’ve heard that guest posting is a way that can massively boost your traffic.  I’ve been in contact with several bloggers about guest posts, and sadly I’ve only done, like, one.  It’s entirely my fault too. I have the fullest intention in the beginning of writing guest posts, and then life gets in the way and I don’t have the time to dedicate to it.  I’m so sorry to the bloggers that are waiting on a guest post from me – I’ll get to it one day (hopefully).

The point of this post is not to make myself (or anyone) feel bad, but to take the piss out of things a bit.  I want to show the honest struggle of a newbie blogger. Yea it’s fun and great and incredibly rewarding; but it is hard as hell.  I mean, I don’t think a single blogger would look at that list and not agree with ANY of the points I made above. We all start somewhere, and that means going through the learning curve, making mistakes and learning from them.

What are some of your blogger confessions?

xx Lauren


  • Reading this has made me feel much better as I am exactly the same! Don’t really tell people I know and embarrassed to share on facebook/instagram!

    • It really is such a struggle! I know I’m being silly, but I just can’t help it! But hey, gotta take it one day at a time lol

  • I relate to this so strongly! New blogger too and I hateeeee posting pictures of myself! Life gets in the way and I’ll not post for a while. I get it.

    • I literally cringe every time I put a picture of myself up! It is really scary sometimes putting yourself out there for EVERYONE to see. Haha, one day I’ll get over it…hopefully 😉

  • This is so true and makes me feel so much more at ease! I only created my blog in June, so I am trying to actually post each week, but I usually forget! x

    • I know that struggle all too well! Don’t beat yourself up on the posting schedule – just do your best! Remember – quality, not quantity!

  • I relate to so much of this post. Idk how people have their lives together enough to schedule all their social media posts ahead of time. I write my Instagram posts the day of on my train ride into work 😂

  • Girl I totally feel ya! I have my moments too with blogging where there are days I feel so motivated and than other days I just want to give up. Putting yourself out there really is so hard and “embarrassing” but you just gotta bite the bullet. I was So surprised to see the positive responses I got from high school acquaintances I never even spoke to! That’s what makes me feel like I need to keep doing what I’m doing because people are actually enjoying it!

    • The people in my life that do know about it are so incredibly supportive – it makes me feel so great! I’m so glad you’re getting such positive responses!

      (Also, I’m such a huge fan of your blog/IG and follow them regularly – I couldn’t believe that you took time to comment on my blog! <3 )

  • I’ve only been at it for a month and already feeling inadequate. I’m glad I’m not the only one. As long as we keep putting in the work we will succeed.
    Thanks for this

  • Yes! I can relate as a new blogger myself. You don’t realize until you get into it how much there really is to understand. Best wishes for your journey ahead!

  • I’m glad I’m not the only one the feel like that then, what a relief.. most of my family don’t know I blog either. They think ist just a waste of time. But I know it’s not, I absolutely ❤️ Blogging.!!

  • This so resonates with me. I also feel so weird about putting my face on the blog even though I know it’s so important for building trust and just, you know, showing that I’m real. I also don’t promote my content directly to anyone I know but I do talk people’s ear off about skincare if given half the chance so at least there’s that.

    Anyway – I feel you on this. Ultimately I try not to be too hard on myself about it because this is all supposed to be fun right. Plus your voice is really strong in your writing and I think that counts for a lot even if your face isn’t around too much (yet). Wishing you the best! xx

  • Hahaha this is the funniest post ever! It’s like you took the words right of my mouth… I guess the secret is taking it one day at a time and slowly stepping outside of your comfort zone…your blog looks great and good luck with everything!

  • I’m on my way to my 4th month of blogging and my hair is naturally black but now they mostly turned grey and I’m not exagerating. I get you. Totally! Especially with scheduling and promoting to those that I personally know. I’ve tried Tailwind and I am trying best to use a specific strategy. I’m also cheap. I want to learn everything on my own. Cheers to us! 🙂

  • This is sooo relatable!! I have NO idea what I’m doing. I’m already about $200 in the hole and I refuse to spend any more on the blog until I make some money back from it, but I’m clueless as to how to do that! Blogging is hard, man.

  • I started my blog barely two months ago and I’m also still pretty confused about a lot of things.

    I also don’t know what Cookies Policy does to a website and have no idea how to include one on my website.

    I was feeling pretty lost a while ago but I kinda feel a whole lot better knowing there are so many of us bloggers going through the same issue.

  • Everything you’re saying is so relatable for me! I’ve been blogging since Feb and only just getting into Twitter and Pinterest and sharing my work. Thanks for saying everything I’m thinking and making me feel better. Great blog!

  • Hey Lauren,

    I know how you feel. And being a newbie blogger myself, I have gone through most of these stages. 😀 Infact, since I’m an Illustrator, I haven’t put a single photo of mine on my Blog. I just draw myself. Ha ha.

    I seriously loved this post!

    Warm regards,

  • I’ve been blogging for a year now and I’m still the same, theres just so much to get your head around in the blogging industry! x

    Han |

  • OMG! What you have written is so true for me too. Each one applies to me, multiple time over. I suck at everything technical, I don’t use schedulers – so I struggle even more at being regular across social media, I never find a photo of myself that I feel confident about using, I am very cheap, people I know don’t know of this blog because I have never told them and I have never tried to guest post. 😀

    Thank you for this article. I don’t feel so different now.

  • This post is so relatable and I have been blogging for over a year! I think there is more people out there who feel this way too! I haven’t scheduled any tweets or instagram posts, but I do want to try it out, as I am working more and more and it’s hard to stay so engaging and promoting my blog as well. Thank you for sharing xx

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