working from home office

Working From Home:
Five Tips From Amy At Aubrey Bay

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As a result of the COVID-19 virus, UK companies have been quickly drafting up home-based working policies. Many of us now find ourselves working from home for long periods. For most, it’s a new experience and one where we can develop some great skills in being productive from the comfort of our own homes. My name’s Amy and I founded an ethical candle company, Aubrey Bay, which I run from my own home. Some of these tips have worked for me when working from home. I’m sure they’ll work for you, too. Here are my 5 best tips for working from home.

Keep up the routines

When we work from home, it’s easy to get into the habit of staying up late and rising from our bed slowly in the morning. It’s always best to get up at the same time, follow normal routines and put on some appropriate clothes (and although super comfy, pyjamas don’t count).

Once we are up and moving, it’s good to keep to a similar schedule as you would in the workplace. There have been studies done that we even tend to work more hours when we are in the home (who knew). Psychologically, we feel a need to work harder and longer.

 As long as we are getting up at the right time, having adequate breaks and dinner periods, then routines can work great at home.

Stay in touch with colleagues

Quite often, working from home can feel like we are a bit distanced from our team. To get the most from home working it’s a great idea to drop in with your team and have a chat via phone or on video conference on platforms such as video conferencing like Skype, FaceTime or Zoom.

Create your work space

Having your home based work space is a top priority when setting the scene for productive home working. Next to a window works to get some good natural light. Having all your stationery at the ready and a clutter-free table, or desk, will get you in the right mood to power through the day.

Mark the end of the day by closing the door on your office, should it be in a separate room, or if it’s in a shared space, tidy it away.

This gives a clear end to the day so you can enjoy your home as a social space.

Get up and moving

The temptation, when working from home, is to spend all day glued to the computer screen while drinking copious amounts of caffeine.

Sometimes it can feel a bit strange getting up, getting moving and going out but going for a walk, for example, will recharge the batteries and give you an extra bit of energy in the afternoons. 

Additionally, you’re missing out on the daily commute so you can squeeze in some more energetic exercise.

In 2013, a study showed that people experience ‘immediate benefits’ for cognition following ‘a single bout of moderate exercise’, such as 15 minutes of moderately intense.

And there it is – the science proves that it’s a great idea to get moving!

Children at home – have a plan

Depending on our circumstance, we may have kids in the home when we are home working. This is always a challenge and one that we need to prepare for.

If your children are older, then explaining that mummy or daddy needs space to work can work well. When children know expectations, they often rise to the challenge and routine is developed.

If your children are younger, then fun toys or games that they can be started on independently will help increase your time where you can be productive.

And that’s my 5 best tips for working from home. I’ve always found working from home to be a rewarding experience and I’m sure there are lots of tips and tricks out there that can help us become better home workers. If you have any ideas that work for you, I’d love to hear them in the comments below.

About the Author

Amy Crossland is the founder of – a UK hand-poured soy candle company. She loves soy candles, home décor and creating healthy products for beautiful homes. She’s a home-working mum and is passionate about supporting home based-businesses.