

I had no post planned for today, or for the rest of the week, for that matter.  But this morning I decided to change that.  I’ve been a bit down and just “meh” with everything and didn’t care about anything.  On Monday, we had to say goodbye to our beloved Minnie and it’s absolutely devastated us.

Minnie was such a sweet cat.  Steve’s mom adopted the 20 year old little fluff muffin (as we called her) a little less than two years ago, and we all fell in love.  She made herself right at home here, and was quite literally the queen of the household.  Like, no joke.  She was SO spoiled – mainly by Steve.  No wonder why he was her favorite.

When I left New Jersey, I had to leave behind my cat, Nugget.  He’s at home with my family, but it was not easy.  Having Minnie here to help take care of and love helped with the hurt I was feeling at having to leave my own baby.  I’d wake up in the morning, make my coffee, feed Minnie, and open the back door for her to romp around in the garden.  Most of the time she’d eat grass and then come inside and puke it all up for me.

We knew we would not have her long, but we didn’t know just how short the time we had with her was.  We made the painful decision to say goodbye, knowing that it was the right thing to do.  If it’s one thing – well, two things – that we’re grateful for, it’s that she didn’t suffer in the end, and that we know we gave her the best last few years a cat could ever have.  She had more love, attention, treats, cuddles, and kisses than any animal could ever ask for.

We love you, Minnie.

xx Lauren

1 comment

  • Oh, this is heartbreaking. I don’t think some people understand how deeply ingrained into your everyday life pets can get. Hope it gets easier for you soon. Sleep well, Minnie x

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