diy twine trees

DIY Twine Trees

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Christmas time is the best time for arts and crafts in my opinion. I used to love when we were in little and would make homemade tree ornaments and decorations. When I lived back home in NJ, every year when we would decorate, my mom would always reminisce with each handmade Christmas ornament that we’d made throughout the years. It just makes the holidays a lot more special! So, to kick off my own DIY Christmas traditions, I’ve been working on these fun little DIY Twine Trees. They’re super simple and fun to do with kids, too!

I was sent this gorgeous Christmas twine set from Rope Source, and they are perfect for getting that festive look. I’ll probably use them for loads more holiday crafting (and gift wrapping!) to be honest.

So for these DIY twine trees, all you need is:

Some festive twine (c/o)
Tacky Glue

Apart from the twine (gifted from Rope Source), I got everything else on Amazon, so it’s a pretty “budget” DIY with gorgeous results.

diy twine trees

Starting from the base, apply a line of the tacky glue around the edge. Making sure you have enough of the twine (I just left it on the roll and pulled some out as needed), carefully lay it on top of the glue as close to the edge of the base as possible. I say “carefully” but really it’s so easy that it’s pretty difficult to mess us. Don’t worry if a bit of the glue shows through, as it will dry clear.

Continue wrapping the twine up the cone, adding glue as you go along. I find it easier to do a little bit of glue at a time; it’s also less messy that way.

diy twine trees

diy twine trees

Once you get to the top, simply snip off the end of the twine and glue it down to the tip of the cone. And voila! A beautiful, sparking Christmas decoration!

diy twine trees

These are such a great idea in place of bottlebrush trees. I kept mine plain, but you could also add some extra finishing touches like ribbon, little pom poms, fairy lights, etc.

I hope you enjoyed this little DIY! Would love to hear some of your Christmas DIYs/traditions, so leave them in the comments!

xx Lauren