one year old

Aidan At 12 Months

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On Monday, our beautiful boy, who has four teeth and is almost walking turned one year old! I have no idea where the past 12 months have gone. It’s hard to believe that we will soon have a toddler on our hands! Pray for us.

aidan at 12 months

aidan at 12 months


This past year of motherhood and raising Baby Aidan has been…just, wow. I could describe it in so many ways – amazing, tiring, frustrating, loving, etc. The list goes on. I absolutely love being this little boy’s mother.

Due to the way things are right now, we had no party or anything like that. I took the day off of work (Steve is already off on Mondays), and we just spent the day opening presents and playing all day. I won’t lie – it was a hard day emotionally for me. Obviously because my baby is growing more and more; but also because I so desperately wanted family around when they couldn’t be. But it was still the most loving day ever. And I made it through the day without crying!

me and aidan


aidan birthday cake 12 months

Oh and the boy LOVED his birthday cake. He was so happy all day, and it was just the sweetest thing to watch ever.

Thank you for the best year, my darling boy. Here’s to many more!

xx Mummy


birth story baby