making time for yourself

How To Put The “Me” In Merry:
Making Time for Yourself During the Holidays

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Tis the season of hustle and bustle! With the holidays just around the corner, many of us are spending our time prepping for the annual chaos to come. Between finding the perfect Christmas tree, shopping for loved ones, gift wrapping, preparing celebratory feasts, and all the other celebratory festivities we do, it’s no wonder why stress is often experienced during this time. That’s why it’s so important to prioritize self-care and other healthy practices throughout these next few months and into the new year.

Holiday merry-making isn’t solely based on what you do for other people, it’s also about how you treat yourself. Taking good care of yourself is the key to actually enjoying this time of year and overcoming any holiday stress you may endure.

So, put the “me” back in merry this holiday season by making time for yourself by using these self-care hacks!


Stress has a funny way of affecting your skin’s health. Acne breakouts, for example, are a common skin concern people struggle with when they become overwhelmed. This is because stress triggers oil-producing cells in your body, which can lead to an excess of sebum (oil), and therefore, lead to clogged pores resulting in acne.

Luckily, this issue can easily be avoided with the help of a good routine and the right products. Focus on sleighing your skincare and holiday stress this season by staying consistent with your morning and evening routine and revamping your current skincare products with ones that are more effective for this time of year.

Everyone has their own unique skin type and concerns, so what you’ll need may vary depending on these factors. Usually, a gentle cleanser, hydrating serum, and nourishing moisturizer will work well for most skin types during the colder months, but be sure to assess your complexion and its needs before changing up your products. If you do start to notice any symptoms of stressed skin such as acne, consider investing in a specialized acne treatment cream to help you target blemishes when necessary.


One of the main reasons we experience so much stress during the holidays is due to the fact that we pile on all these extra responsibilities throughout the season. And while taking on more obligations isn’t necessarily a bad thing, there’s no denying how draining it can be on both our mental and physical well-being, especially during the holidays.

Not only that, but it can also be extremely time-consuming, causing you to let your “me-time” fall wayside. That being said, it’s critical that you don’t drown yourself in holiday tasks and instead, learn to say ‘no.’ This way, you can manage your holiday schedule more effectively and make time for yourself more effortlessly.

By the same token, it’s crucial to ask for help when you need it. Whether you ask your relatives to prepare a dish for your family feast or you ask your kids to help with cleanup post-holiday celebrations, asking for assistance can play a huge role in managing holiday stress. It’s a simple way to delegate your responsibilities, free up your time, and relax— what more could you ask for?


Last, but certainly not least, be sure to practice gratitude throughout the holiday season. When you’re juggling a million tasks at once and are constantly feeling overwhelmed, it’s normal to develop a negative attitude, which is the opposite of what the holidays are all about. But, by reflecting on the small stuff and identifying the things you’re grateful for, you’re more likely to view the holidays and your daily to-do’s in a positive light.

Plus, believe it or not, making a point to practice gratitude has proven to be a useful strategy to tackling stress. Psychology Today reports that recent neuroscience research has found that pondering the basic question, “What am I grateful for?” increases levels of happy hormones; namely, dopamine and serotonin, regardless if you can answer the question or not. Simply searching for things to be grateful for allows you to better create positive emotional pathways to your brain.

To find the beauty in all things holiday, get in touch with gratitude by jotting down a few things you’re appreciative of everyday. No matter how big or small they may be, keeping track of what you’re most grateful for in a notebook or journal will allow you to unwind, reflect, and ultimately, put the “me” in merry all season long.

Happy Holidays!

xx Lauren

1 comment

  • Saying no was the hardest part for me; but being no contact with my in laws has been blissful! I hate how the holidays makes you feel obligated to do “family” things. I didn’t grow up with that, and it seems like every time I tell someone I’m dating this they think it’s some kind of tragedy.

    And now with a kid everyone is asking for her to come around. My husband and I don’t like being around a lot of people in one room; plus hello, covid?! So saying no this year is a bit easier than the last ones.

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