Our little boobala is 2 months old! Aidan is such a funny little thing now and has SUCH a personality! Mind you, most of it is wrapped up in his temper, but when this kid is happy, it is pure bliss. I absolutely adore his cheeky little lopsided grin (he’s been smilling for ages now, but they’re so much bigger now!). He coos, yells, giggles a bit, and is having so much fun discovering all of these new noises he can make.
![2 months](https://realityinreverie.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/wp-1582723796694.jpg)
Little man has discovered his fists and has them in his mouth constantly. He knocks his pacifier out, and then gets mad when he can’t have both in his mouth at the same time lol. And he loveeees being held sitting up on our lap – he is dying to sit up on his own!
![aidan on lap](https://realityinreverie.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/wp-1582722239264.jpg)
This kid eats nonstop! We’re still breastfeeding on demand – going strong at 2 months! There was one day a few weeks ago where he would not feed from me (it was right after his vaccinations) and I had no milk pumped. I had to resort to giving him formula in the bottle and it was honestly such a personal defeat for me. But I’m trying not to let it get to me and just continuing on. He’s happy and healthy so that’s all that matters.
![aidan 2 months](https://realityinreverie.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/wp-1582722210975.jpg)
It’s still a bit of a struggle to get him to nap during the day. The most he will go in his sleep nest or crib is about a half hour at a time usually. If he’s on me, then it could last anywhere from 1-2 hours. He’s slowly getting out of this though, so fingers crossed! Nights are getting loads better. He usually only wakes up twice to eat now! We’ve found that he loves having a blanket on/over his face in order to sleep (don’t worry, we move it so he doesnt suffocate). My son, the parrot lol.
![baby sleeping](https://realityinreverie.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/wp-1582722211027.jpg)
Baby boy, we love you so much!