wooden toys

Why You Should Consider Buying Wooden Toys For Your Child

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Like all parents, I want to be able to give my child the best. Whether it’s food, clothes, or toys, I put so much thought into what I give to Aidan. I definitely do my fair bit of research before buying anything, especially when it comes to toys. I’ve not been parenting for very long (though it seriously feels like a lifetime sometimes!), but from my experience wooden toys are some of the best toys that you can buy for your children. Jaques of London recently sent Aidan a gorgeous wooden shape sorter to add to his ever-growing toy collection. We’ve bought Aidan Jaques of London toys in the past and have always been impressed with the quality of them. Plus, Aidan absolutely loves them!

jaques of london shape sorter

There are so many benefits to buying wooden baby toys for your little one. For starters, they are incredibly durable. Between throwing them, chewing on them, smacking them together, we all know toys take a beating. So many of Aidan’s plastic toys have already been broken, but his wooden toys? Not at all! Wooden toys are made to last so they can be enjoyed for years to come. Plus they’re easy on the wallet, as you won’t need to replace them quite as much!

aidan playing with wooden toys

This gorgeous shape sorter that Aidan was given is so sturdy and durable. All pieces are made from 100% FSC approved wood, so they are the highest of quality. The box itself is solid and smooth, and the blocks are painted with durable, water-based paint.

Because they’re made of solid wood, wooden toys are usually safer alternatives than their plastic counterparts. They don’t tend to chip or have little pieces break off, which means less risk for injuries or choking. Case in point – Aidan has literally thrown this toy nonstop and there are no dents, scrapes, or chips! They are also non-toxic, free from the harsh chemicals found in plastic toys, like BPA or PVC. This is so important for baby and toddler toys, especially, since they are always putting them in their mouths.

wooden toys

Wooden toys can also be very educational. Without any flashing lights or noises, they encourage hands-on learning and imaginative play. This shape sorter, for example, has so many educational benefits. By trying to fit the shapes into the slots, it helps your little one develop their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Each shape is a bright vivid colour, labeled with it’s name, teaching your child about all the different colours and shapes there are. It would not be out of place in a Montessori classroom.

close up of jaques of london wooden toys

Wooden toys are also incredibly gorgeous (okay not a “benefit” per se; more like an added bonus). I find that there are so many unique wooden toys on the market, and you can truly find some one of kind pieces from places like small businesses. Most wooden toys are hand-crafted, making them incredibly eye-catching. The perfect addition to a nursery shelf.

aidan playing with wooden toys

Jaques of London has a great selection of wooden toys available for a range of ages (as well as non-wooden toys!). If you’re looking for some great education toys for your child, I would definitely recommend checking out what they have to offer! Click here to get 15% off your purchase.

wooden toys

Does your child love to play with wooden toys?

xx Lauren