baby bump third trimester

27 Week Bumpdate

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Happy Sunday! We have made it through the second trimester! As of today I’m officially 27 weeks pregnant and in the third trimester. It’s honestly starting to hit me now and definitely becoming more real. Only three months until we meet our little man!

It definitely has been a rollercoaster, and very difficult at times. I had such a vision in my head of how I expected (or wanted) my pregnancy to be. I was going to eat healthy, exercise, keep motivated with things like the blog, getting things sorted before baby, etc. The truth is that I haven’t come close to any of that. I was out of commission for most of the beginning of my pregnancy into the second trimester, both mentally and physically. My diet has not exactly been the healthiest, and I can’t even remember the last time I stepped on my yoga mat. Everything has kind of been all over the place. At times I find myself thinking, “Laur, you can be doing SO MUCH BETTER.”

But then I take a step back and realize how ridiculous I’m being. Because, as it turns out, growing a little human is really hard work. And so what if you’re not eating what you should be, or exercising any day, or if you let the housework slide a bit. At the end of the day, as long as you (and baby) are healthy that really is ALL that matters. Oh, and there’s nothing like feeling those little kicks and nudges.

Just give yourself some grace during this time, and enjoy it all while you can (and accept that there will be moments that you won’t exactly enjoy).

baby bump third trimester


How Far Along: 27 Weeks

Gender: Boy

How I’m Feeling: Heart. Burn. Allll the time! Wonder if that means he’ll have a full head of hair. Also, lots of back pain. Joyyy!

Cravings: Still no crazy cravings.

Movement: With the amount this kid is kicking me, he better be a footballer! He is so active, and no matter what position I’m in he just goes crazy in there. At my last midwife appointment, she couldn’t even listen to his heartbeat because he kept moving so much. To the point where she literally said, “This is the longest this has ever taken me.” Yea, not embarrassing at all. Thanks, kid.

Maternity Clothes: Haven’t bought anything else yet, but have my eye on some nice pieces for autumn that I plan on snatching up!

How We’re Preparing For Baby: Finally caved and started buying a few pieces here and there. Also, planning the “nursery nook” in our room (since he’ll be in our room with us).

Looking Forward To: Not exactly “baby” related, but autumn! Best time of year, hands down! Especially after experiencing what it’s like being pregnant in the summer.

xx Lauren