coffee - little pick-me-ups

4 Pick-Me-Ups To Help Boost Your Mood During The Remainder of Lockdown

The outbreak of COVID-19 a year ago transformed our lives, largely for the worse despite some promising silver linings that have come as a result of the virus. Life stuck at home isn’t really living whatsoever, but there is plenty that you can do to help boost your mood during enforced periods of isolation or lockdown. Here’s a few pick-me-ups that will get no doubt get you smiling again during the remainder of lockdown!

Adopt a pet.
If you’re fed up with your own personal space and with all the extra time we’re now spending at home, it seems a shame not to be sharing it with a small fluffy friend. If you and your family have always had your hearts set on a pet, then this is the time to get one. Getting a dog has been one of the most popular trends of the pandemic and we’re all for it. Remember, though – pets are for life, not just for lockdowns! So, if you are thinking about adopting a new puppy or kitten, make sure that you are in it for the long-term.

Recharge your mornings.
If you’re still suffering from lockdown blues and struggling to get up every morning, then it is time to take control and supercharge your mornings. I usually start my morning off with a cup of coffee or a wellness shot. Or, why not start every day with a run or work-out session to get your blood pumping? Next, treat yourself to a hearty breakfast to set yourself up for the day. To realllyyy treat yourself, you can look into a cool company that provides gourmet coffee subscriptions in your local area. Why not treat yourself to a better cup of coffee every morning? That’s bound to get you going (I know it would for me!).

Play video games.
With so much spare time on our hands, there is no shame in getting stuck into a few video games. Sales of Nintendo Switch consoles have skyrocketed throughout the pandemic with the Japanese company unable to keep up supply with demand (I should know – I tried to get Steve one for Christmas and couldn’t!). If you can get your hands on one, then you definitely need to try out Animal Crossing: New Horizons – it is such a mood booster! My sister keeps telling me to get one and play it. Playing as a cute little islander, you get to decorate your own home, design your own clothes, all while searching for the coolest fossils, bugs, and fish from across your island.

Zoom Parties.
If you are like many others and feeling down about the lack of social interaction in your life right now, then do something about it and host a Zoom party for you and all of your friends! These fun nights in can consist of all sorts of activities, from quizzes to wine tasting to cocktail making. We have a 1st Birthday zoom party next weekend to join and I’m so excited! Whatever you choose, it’s all about having fun and reconnecting with your friends. Having a laugh and a joke with those closest to you – albeit from a distance – is bound to boost your mood tenfold.

Ultimately, there is plenty that you can do to put a smile back on your face during the remainder of lockdown. These little pick-me-ups might be exactly what you needed to get you going again.

What are some pick-me-ups that have helped you throughout lockdown?

xx Lauren

1 comment

  • Thanks for sharing these great tips. Thankfully, I already had a pet (two guinea pigs) before lockdown began and they have really helped me over this past year! I’m not really a morning person, but I’ve recently tried doing a workout in the morning now and again and I’ve been surprised at how it has helped to get me going. On mornings when I need something a little more gentle, I find meditation helps.

    Gemma x

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