Aidan at 6, 7 & 8 Months

Aidan At 6, 7 & 8 Months

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Our baby boy is 8 months old! Figured it was a good time to post what’s been going on since his last update….three months ago lolllll. Time flies when you’re in lockdown I suppose!


Watching Aidan’s development the past three months has been INCREDIBLE, especially the last few weeks! He’s now finally starting to sleep through the night – we still have some iffy nights here and there, and he now isn’t napping that well during the day, but things are WAY better than what they were. We’re on a bit of a *loose* schedule if I’m honest. He wakes up anywhere between 6:00-7:00 each morning, and we usually get around 2-3 naps a day out of him if we’re lucky. I know everyone bangs on about not letting babies sleep past 5pm, etc. but honestly sometimes we put him down for a nap at like 4 or 5. He still goes to sleep between 7:30 and 8:00. And you know what? It works for us. So whatever works for your baby and you? DO IT.

He is officially off the boobie as well. He has been for about 2 months now. I was a bit sad that it ended earlier that I wanted it to. As Aidan got older I struggled a lot (you can read about my breastfeeding experience here). So, to be honest, it’s what was best for both of us. He has his bottles of formula throughout the day (or “baba milkie” as we call it), and has three solid meals a day. The boy does not go hungry, that’s for sure.

The biggest update though is that OUR BABY IS CRAWLING!!!! He is literally all over the place…usually getting into things that he knows he shouldn’t. But it is literally so cute and he is so much fun! We also think he’s going to be standing any day now. Seriously, it’s like he’s chosen to do everything at once. So yea, please send your best baby proofing tips and tricks.

It’s insane to think that Aidan has been with us for 8 months now! On one hand, it feels like such a short time, and on the other hand it feels like he’s always been here. It’s so hard to remember what life was like before him.

Baby boy, we love you! xxx

aidan at 6, 7 & 8 months