aidan 10 months old

Aidan At 10 Months

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Aidan is now 10 months old! He’s turning into such a proper little boy, and my heart cannot take it! Like, is 10 months old considered toddler? I really hope not. It’s crazy to think that we’re coming up to his first birthday soon. I’m totally not prepared for it. It’s actually a bit bittersweet to think about his birthday, because we were going to have a big get together for him when my family was going to visit. But obviously, covid has prevented that. This year was supposed to be so different…

But enough of the sad talk. Another month with Baby Aidan has passed. His development amazes us (as always) every single day. He picks up on things very quickly, like something we’ll say, and I can tell he understands so much! He’s not walking yet, but is getting so much better at standing on his own.

aidan 10 months old


Sleep is still a bit on the “touch and go” side. We tried transitioning him from co-sleeping by removing ourselves from the room and into the spare room, so it wasn’t that much of a drastic change for him. But we’ve since gone back into the room (mainly because the spare room bed is too small and uncomfortable!). Also, the clocks going back did him no favors (and by him I mean us), because he’s been up at 5 AM everyday, and then a bit difficult to get to sleep at night.

baby star outfit


He’s such a sweet boy. He loves snuggles (well, when they’re on his terms) and crawling around babbling and singing and saying “da da da da da da da” all time. Hoping for “mama” soon! And I think he is FINALLY cutting his first tooth! There’s been so many times when I thought they would come through, and they haven’t. So we’ll see about that one!




Going to try and hope the next two months don’t fly by, because I’m not emotionally ready. Although I am excited to plan something for him! Just need to figure out what to do!

xx Lauren