pregnancy must-haves

My Pregnancy Must-Haves (So Far)

This post contains affiliate links - full disclosure policy here.  Last updated July 14, 2022.  

I want to preface this blog post by suggesting you use this time in your pregnancy to create an Amazon Baby Wishlist. Amazon has literally everything a new parent could need, all in one place! In addition to things like free shipping and returns, expectant parents can also get up to a 15% completion discount on the items in your Wishlist. Don’t forget to send it to family and friends!

Now that I’m halfway through my second pregnancy, I figured it was time to update my Pregnancy Must-Haves! These items I used throughout my pregnancy with Aidan, and I’ve been using them this time around too! I’ve also added a few new pregnancy must-haves that I’ve discovered that I can’t live without.

pregnancy must-haves

I use Pregnacare Vitamins daily.

I swear by these maternity bras from H&M also double as nursing bras, and are 95% cotton. They are soooo comfortable! Also love their maternity underwear – so incredibly comfortable! I’ve stopped wearing most of my lacey, frilly, VS underwear because it’s just not comfortable anymore. And don’t even get me started on the last time that I wore a thong.

I ditched my jeans for the most part a while ago, and have practically been living in my maternity leggings. They can be dressed up or down, and most of the time I wear them with these nursing vests or these really cute peplum tops (that I bought in EVERY color).

Sleeping is SO. UNCOMFORTABLE. NOW. Like, I seriously whine all the time about it. Invest in a body pillow or even just use a few regular pillows to support your bump and wedge between your legs. It definitely helps! Will it annoy your partner sometimes? Probably. Oh well.

As for pregnancy skincare, I always use a body lotion and oil for the bump! I love trying new products; the must-have pregnancy skincare items that are on rotation in my routine so far are Joone’s The Perfect Anti-Stretch Mark Lotion & Body Oil (seriously, this set is so so good), Cowshed Mother Oil, and Palmer’s Coconut Oil Lotion.

I use the Belly Bandit Belly Boost for extra support every now and then, as needed. It helps with the lower back pain that I feel on an almost contant basis. I’ve also bought compression socks, which help so much with swelling. Not necessarily glamorous, but worth it for comfort!

I’ve also put the Neom Diffuser on here – not technically a NECESSITY, but I love using essential oil blends (going to find a way to work them into my hypnobirthing!).

I also think it’s handy to read up as much as you can in preparation for baby! My two favorite books are Birth Without Fear and How To Grow A Baby & Push It Out. I really reccommend them!

And lastly, an insulated tumbler – gotta stay hydrated!

Hope this is helpful! Let me know in the comments what some of your pregnancy must-haves are!

xx Lauren