
Some Of The Things I’ve Googled Since Having A Baby

Aidan’s Outfit

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Google is a new mother’s best friend and worst enemy. Especially at 3 A.M. when your baby is attached to your boob for what feels like the millionth time. Here’s just a sample of the *few* things I’ve googled in my sleep-deprived state.

Do babies get thirsty?

Can’t get newborn to sleep anywhere but my arms

What to do when your baby will only sleep in your arms

Baby will only sleep on chest

Haven’t slept since giving birth

What is in pierogi dough?
(We thought Aidan might have a cow’s milk allergy in the beginning so I was googling the ingredients in literally EVERYTHING.)

How heavy do you bleed after giving birth?

Nipple too cracked to breastfeed

Is it normal to be constipated after giving birth?

What should baby wear to bed 20 degrees?

Should I change baby before or after feeding?

Should I buy newborn infant Christmas presents?
(Mom guilt already setting in.)

Baby has really red bum

How much weight do you lose breastfeeding?

Is it normal for newborns to get acne on eyelid?

What toys to get a one month old

Purple nipple breastfeeding

Newborn making squeaking noise

Will eating and drinking a lot help make more milk?

Newborn makes high pitched noise when breathing

Why does my baby rub their face on me?

Bottle bra for men
(If you’re a breastfeeding mother, you’ll understand.)

Can I pull a muscle from breastfeeding?

Why do babies clench their fists?

Is it possible to have too much skin to skin after birth?

Does breastfeeding make you hungry?

Does not consuming dairy affect breast milk?

Should I skip bath time if baby falls asleep?

Should I wear a bra to bed when breastfeeding?

Why is my baby always irritable?

Do I have to establish a routine with my baby?

Can you relate? Share some of your post baby google searches!

xx Lauren


  • This post made me smile….sometimes being a new parent is like learning a new language and culture all at once….other times you just want someone on hand to tell you the answers you intrinsically know but want support on. 👍

  • Honestly it’s been such a long time since I had a newborn I cannot remember what I googled, I am in the preteen stages now full of searches such as ‘when do hormones kick in’ ‘what to do with puberty in boys’.. a whole new kettle of fish!

  • I sent this to my sister who is pregnant with her first and she said she is going to add to this list! Hehe

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