Travel Plans For 2019

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It’s been six months since we last took a trip (our trip to Spain) and I have to say, I feel overdue for another little break.

Steve and I love to travel. Since meeting him and moving here, it’s opened me up to worlds I never thought I would get to see. I’ve ended up visiting Belgium, Italy, Spain, France, and Switzerland over the past two years or so. We’re always thinking of other places to visit when we can.

With everything going on lately, we haven’t had much time to sit down and plan anything out (well, other than ranting all the time lately about how we want to go on a cruise all of a sudden…). This year we have two very important trips “planned”. “Planned” as in we know we are going on them…but have literally not done anything yet to prepare for them. Lollll.


Steve has a lot of family that lives in Ireland, so we’re going to be visiting them around Easter time. Our plan (right now), is to fly over and then take the train back, since Steve isn’t exactly keen on flying in general. I’ll make a point to make note of which modes of transportation we use for anyone who might find it useful – though, spoiler alert, one of them is clearly going to be Ryanair…

We’ll mainly be staying around the Dublin area, as that’s where his family is. But we do want to venture out on our own a bit. We just haven’t decided where yet. Or how we’ll get there… Like I said, we’re realllyyyyy good at this whole “planning” thing.

Any recommendations of sites to see/things to do around the Dublin area are greatly appreciated!

TRIP #2 – THE U.S.

That’s right Jersey, I’m comin for ya! With the exception of my little sister visiting over the summer, I haven’t seen the rest of my family in almost a year. Like forreal, next month it will have been a WHOLE YEAR since I moved here?!

We plan on going in the summer, when Steve breaks up from teaching for the summer holiday. I can’t wait for Jersey beaches, real pizza, pork roll, and spending time with the people I miss so dearly.

We also want to do a little traveling there as well, in additional to seeing my family. We’re thinking of heading down to D.C. (which – no shocker because I’m the most sheltered American ever – I have never seen).

So yea, we have lots of planning to do, and very little time!

Let me know in the comments of any trips you have planned this year!

xx Lauren


  • Shockingly, I’ve never been to Ireland even though I’ve lived in England for my whole life! Should remedy that soon. We have nothing planned as such but I am booking a trip soon for my husband’s 40th – I’m thinking a weekend in Bruges in May. – and I really want to visit Amsterdam for our anniversary. Other than that, we have a few little trips to York, London and Birmingham planned for gigs and whatnot as well as friend’s wedding in Wales (again, somewhere I have never visited after 34 years!) x

    • Bruges is absolutely beautiful – I highly recommend it! I believe we went in May or June, and the weather was incredible! Sounds like you have a lot of fun things planned xx

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